Angela Martin: Hi, I’m Angela Martin, and welcome to number 4, Kullaroo Close in Kuranda. This property is the perfect, and I mean the perfect, blank canvas and it has phenomenal potential. It’s an original 1990s build, so it is made from solid block and concrete, so the maintenance on it is going to be super-duper low and you just don’t find them like that anymore. What you see here would be the perfect starter, it would be the perfect renovator, or it would be the perfect investment. It is on 2,500 square meters of open sunny land within walking distance to Kuranda Village.
Let’s go in and have a look. You’re going to fall in love with it, but remember as always, subscribe to that YouTube channel if you want to find out a bit more fabulous lifestyle properties, just like this one.
We are going to come out and we are going to explore the gardens, but original, original, original solid block, solid block, solid block. As I said, they just don’t make them like they used to. Let’s go in. Lots of ways that you can get into any house in Kuranda. You can get in your patio doors, you can get in the side door, you can go in your back door. This is ideal because you drive straight in up the driveway into a single carport. Then we’ve got a great little nook area here, and we come straight into living area. It’s a three-bedroom, it’s got one bathroom, and we can see, as I said, that we are solid block, no wooden frames in the house.
Now, the kitchen is totally serviceable. I’m going to show you, and remember, it’s a starter, we are affordable, you can renovate it, and something like a kaboodle kitchen from Bunnings is not a lot of money at all. If you just want to move in, sink is stainless steel, good old-fashioned double drainers, plenty of space. I’m going to show you under which is normally the horriblest cupboard in the whole planet. Just to let you see that it’s not all falling apart. It is clean, it is tidy. We’ve got a great island bench just for sitting there, talking to people as you watch telly or whatever you want to do.
Now, all the windows have got fly screens, you’ve got doors that open easily, sideways. There we go. Just like I said, plenty of, plenty of space. We are actually going to go into the garden. We’re going to do this just as a quick walkthrough. Three bedrooms and one bathroom down this side here. Cupboards, again, I’m going to show you inside the cupboard just in case you’re buying it as an investor and you’re not here. Plus, we’ve got cupboard space just up the top. Nice big high ceilings.
We come into the wet area, functional area, which is the laundry, the toilet, and the bathroom. Big mirror just as we go in there, so you can have a look. We’ve got the loo just in here. Laundry, plenty of space for your washing machine or your dryer. This takes a sight when we walk around the garden. Then you can just have a bit of a quick look in the bathroom. We’ve got, tiled floor. We’ve got a nice, tidy, fresh vanity. If you come around this side, we can see, again, that the shower is totally serviceable. It doesn’t cost anything to retail a shower recess and this can just be absolutely fabulous.
You could, in actual fact, render the whole house, which would be beautiful. I love this because it’s big and it’s bright and it’s actually open. As I said, totally functional. All your wet stuff, take clothes off, jump in the shower, into the washing machine. Okay, three bedrooms. Now, we’ve all got fans, but if you come in here, you can see it’s actually a bright house because we’ve got flat open sunny land. There’s no trees hanging over the house. Very, very, very important in the wet tropics. Plenty of space. Cupboards, again, cupboards up top in there.
Paint the doors, put new doors on, put sliders on, whatever you want to do. Remember, renovator, perfect starter, and totally affordable. This is a big room. This is a wonderful room. You still have the sense of privacy. Again, we’ve got that natural light. Big doors in here for cupboards. Plenty of space. We’ve got fans. We’ve got plenty of space up there for your suitcases or whatever you want to do. Then we’ve got this other room in here, which is the third bedroom– with fence.
Come in so you can actually see. If you’re lying in bed here, you’ve got no one looking in. That’s just a big galvanized fenced wall, basically. We’ve got a little garden shed at the back there, which is your view. Another bunch of cupboards. Absolutely brilliant. You could just move straight in. I’m going to head out the back again and we’re going to look outside.
Now, we’re going to walk all the way around the gardens. Electric hot water. We have mains power. We have mains water. We have sewage in the streets. As I said, we can walk in the Kuranda Village. Now, we’ve got a little shed over here, a little garden shed. The old original style Hill’s. Love that. You can come straight out your laundry, straight up your path, and hang up your clothes. How civilized is that? The little garden shed, it’s just a little galvanized iron shed, enough to be able to put your garden and stuff in. Plop your head in there. You’ve got some pavers in there.
It’s a little building. However, 2,559 square meters of flat usable land. We’re going to walk around the garden so you get a sense of just how big it is. Now, we’ve got banana trees. Then when we talk about neighbors, we’ve got a neighbor next door, which you cannot see. We’ve got a couple of neighbors over there. This whole back section, this whole back fence line is rainforest. The people who live here, their garden runs all the way along the back and it’s pretty much rainforest. You don’t have any houses looking into you. Private there, totally private there. If you wanted to, of course, you can put a fence up along the front street and then you are 100% private.
We were heading in this direction. As I said, that’s next to a neighbor fence. We’ve got little bananas, banana trees. We’ve got a fruit tree. This looks like– woo, look at this. Durian, maybe. It’s fruit, whatever it is. I think it’s a durian. Plenty of bananas. As you can see, we have no trees around about the house. Totally maintenance-free. We have gutter guard as well along the outside. Now, with a paint, with a freshen-up, you could just move in. Absolutely. In fact, you could just move in anyway, but it would not take much to make that spectacular.
I love the fact that it’s positioned slap bang in the middle of the land because, obviously subject to council approval, this house could be extended. I have seen some phenomenal renovations in my time with very simple block. You’ve got a rectangle, you’ve got solid block walls, you can add onto it, you can bolt onto it, you can render it, you can paint it. You can do whatever you want to do. There’s also space for three bay sheds, two of them, three of them if you want to. Space for a swimming pool, space for a fruit tree, space for trampolines, space for veggie patches, it’s all here and we are in the middle of the land.
Come have a look. Come walk this way. This is what I was saying about putting a fence potentially along the front. You can see the neighbor just over there. They’ve got a fence right across the front. You wouldn’t even know that the house was there apart from the fact you can see the roof. We have elevation and we have got sun. The house is not going to get smelly. It’s not going to get moldy. As I said, it’s just absolutely ripe for the renovation. If we wander through over here, this is the most beautiful tree. Maybe if we come around this way so that you can see the house as we go.
These are the bedrooms, living kitchen area here, a couple of little friendly garden gnomes, little hibiscus. Then we’ll head over this side so that you can see just how big it is. This is the driveway. Again, concrete driveway in the wet tropics is our number one best friend. We’re straight up into the house. Love this. Love this. Look at this. These could be little veggies hanging, but they’re gorgeous little orchids. All the little new roots just ready to sprout. Absolutely brilliant.
You could also put a big shed here if you wanted to. Again, subject to council approval, but you have got all the space in the world. Little swing over there, you can see. Come up this way so we can actually see the back of the house. I want to show you everything. As I said, in case you’re an investor and you can’t get here, you’ve got to get a feel for just how big this land is. You would actually think it was more than the 2,500 square meters. Plenty of opportunity. I love it. I think you would be mad not to jump on this and take it as an original and make it something fabulous.
Or take it as an original because you’re on a super tight budget and just live in it and enjoy the gardens and plant some fruit, plant some veggies, and just– I’ve been able to walk into Kuranda Village. I really hope you’ve enjoyed this little baby tour. Give me a call, Angela Martin, 0403 788 187. Visit my website, angelamartin.com.au, but don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to see more fabulous lifestyle properties, just like this one, but before everyone else. Look forward to catching up with your brand-new home.
Video of 4 Kullaroo Close, Kuranda Qld 4881