Angela Martin: Hi, I’m Angela Martin, and welcome to number 5, Weir Road in Kuranda. This is an absolutely stunning lifestyle property. It is an architectural masterpiece that was designed and built and created by the original owner, who actually was an architect. They wanted it to be big, they wanted it to be bold, they wanted it to be magnificent, strong, and character-filled. This is absolutely unique. You will not find another property, another house like it.
The location is absolutely fantastic. We are on about 2 acres, natural rainforest, which goes that direction and we are on a no-through road with the Barron River at the very end. Of course, Kuranda Village, only five minutes along the road. Now this house is original, 1980s original masterpiece but with a beautiful modern twist. Let’s go and have a look, you’re going to fall in love with it. Remember, press that little subscribe button, notification bell if you want to find out about more fabulous lifestyle properties, just like this one.
Now, only an architect would design a house around a tree. That’s a big exaggeration. That was actually planted. If we quickly come out here, just so that you can look, this was created from day one. Big copper ring, which is actually part of the charm. Absolutely amazing. Now, I mentioned big, I mentioned bold, I mentioned impressive, so I’m going to talk about all the different things that you just do not find in a normal house. First one, this is not the original 1980s kitchen, even though we have some of the beautiful original block.
This is brand new. It is absolutely stunning. These benchtops are blackbutt, and your eyes would water if I told you how much they actually cost to create, to laminate, and they’re just beautiful, beautiful benchtops. Look at this, how great is that? We’ve got little lights that go on and off when you pass by. We got soft-close drawers. Absolutely amazing. Fabulous new dishwasher and a cooking machine for the absolute chef in the family. Absolutely beautiful. Of course, we’ve got some of the original, as I just mentioned before, this brickwork comes all the way through.
Now, if we have a look up at the ceilings here, they are cedar. For anyone who knows the wood, a cedar ceiling is impossible, and probably impossible unless you’re a billionaire to actually source now. Cedar wood is incredibly rare, it’s incredibly expensive, and these are all tongue and groove joined on the ceiling. It gives you a bit of an idea, again, as to the quality and the workmanship that went into the original build. We’ve got fabulous great big wooden beams across here. Just sensational. It runs all the way through the house. Of course, we’ll have a look at it.
We’ve got two main living areas. We have got this absolutely just gorgeous sitting room, sitting nook with a fireplace that really should be in a castle. Come close here, beautiful fans. This, absolutely rock solid. This, you could not move if you wanted to. Of course, we can get into the fire this way. That is an absolute just original 1980s fireplace. I don’t know if you noticed when we actually came into the house at the front, chimney goes all the way through the roof. We’ll have a look at that again when we go out.
Then from an orientation point of view, we’ve got 2 bedrooms and a toilet upstairs. Look at the master here. We have got the main bathroom around the corner. Then we have got the most fabulous sunken lounge just down there, which we will have a look at. Let’s start with the master. Look, love it. Solid brick, solid block walls. This is a beautiful room. It goes out onto, views out to the garden, of course, but you’ve got views out onto that great big carport. Hard to believe that’s about nine meters wide.
Space here, say, for example, you wanted a little office nook, you could put a table here or a table and chairs, but just not quite as romantic as the way it is. It’s just beautiful, beautiful. We have sliding wardrobe doors. We’ve got plenty of space in here for his and hers, lots and lots and lots of cupboard space. Then we have a en suite. Very ’80s, very original, very fabulous. Love the colors, good old traditional turquoise.
Again, views out onto the garden. We’ve got a double shower. We’ve got a vanity and we’ve got a toilet. Now this, as I said, this is a big room. We’ve got our fans. We can change the little fans up and down, depending on how warm or cool you want it to be. Just louvers, all the windows, open that way. You’ve got louvers everywhere. Ventilation’s fabulous. Then this beautiful staircase up to those 2 bedrooms. I’m going to meet you up there.
These are just beautiful stairs, again, solid, robust, because wood, none of your square hard edges. They’re all beautiful and soft. Again, the workmanship. We’ll talk about more of that when we go downstairs. This is brilliant space up here because we’ve got its own separate loo. Such a lovely, lovely room. We’ve got rainforest views everywhere we look. Again, a little nook there if you’ve got children or if you just wanted to, just be a little writing desk or if you want to pamper yourself, that is where you could do it. Beautiful big mirror here.
We’ve got plenty of space for all our little clothes. Separate toilet, as I said, in here. Another really lovely, and I mean really lovely room. Come in here so you can actually see just how bright this is. Then if we come round in this direction, do a little swap, we can see the chimney. Original chimney, 1980s style. There’s our tree that is still waving to us as we come up each of the levels. The roof’s huge. The gardens, like I said, they’re just glorious. This could be almost like a little teenage retreat. You get your two rooms upstairs, the master’s down there, totally separate.
If we have a look down over here, the angles, only an architect could actually create and design a house with all these different angles. We’ve got arches. We’ve got a triangular window. If you have a look at the corners, how easy would it be– I’ll be able to make a little swap. How easy would it be just to make everything square? Oh, no, no, no, we’re not going to do square. We’re going to have all these just gorgeous contemporary angles. Again, craftsmanship, workmanship quality, bold and impressive.
Then there is the original ’80s bathroom. I love this bathroom. Now, before we go and have a look there, we have the most sensational outside laundry. We’re not going to go there yet. We’ll go round the long way, so you get a feel for the outside of the property. Also here, we’ve got plenty of cupboard space, here we go, for all your little bits and all your little bobs, whatever bobs might be. Little windows here. Again, nice, easy. This would be a functional space if you weren’t’ using your outside laundry.
This bathroom is fabulous. Let’s come in and have a look. It is original 1980s. No apologies, you will never find tiles like these. You go into all your regular tile stores, they’re modern. This is just beyond beautiful. The condition is perfect. No cracks in the grout, no cracks in the tiles. Even things like the beading up there in the corners, most places would just have square because it’s easy. You just put square against square, but oh, no, no, not in an architect-designed home.
We’ve got all the round beading. If you, again, come over here and have a look, we’ve got fabulous angles. We’ve got windows up there believe it or not. We’ve also got a brilliant, brilliant sunken bath. I’m just going to stand in here so you can actually come over here and have a look. We’ve got this, again, brilliant angle. Just fully tilled. You can sit and have your little bubblies. It’s just absolutely fabulous.
There’s beautiful gardens out there. I cannot wait to show you the gardens. Little cupboard under here. Harry Porter, I’m sure he’s been in there at some point in time. You’re getting a feel for curves, angles, sort of mix of original 1980s. These original tiles, they were there when the house was built. Then it has been beautifully made grand, I suppose is the word. It feels tropical. It feels character-filled. It feels luxurious. Of course, we’ve also got leadlight windows.
Now, they’re not fake leadlight windows. They are real leadlight windows with real lead and real stained glass. This great little door here if you’ve got children or if you’ve got little animals. Again, look at this, where are you going to find a leadlight window like that in any modern home? You’re not. It’s just not going to happen. Now, before we come down, I just want us to look up at the ceilings. Now come back up here so you can see, curves. The architect clearly had a thing for curves, absolutely beautiful cadence, and softness. We’ve got a curve up here.
This totally robust solid hardwood. You’re coming into, again, a very high-end, solid, robust character-filled room. I’m going to go on about it because you just do not find properties that are built like this. You don’t find properties that feel like this. You certainly don’t find properties that have all the charm that this property actually does. Now, the ceilings again, we’ve got red cedar ceilings. Again, tongue and groove all the way up and over. Curves on the corner. Big curve there. Big curves over here. Takes a craftsperson to be able to do that.
Again, the angles on the windows, just sensational. Now, if you’re into entertaining, this would be an absolute entertainer’s delight. Now, it’s quite high. I suppose it would possibly be the men in the family that would actually come here and just serve up all the lovely entertaining things. If you come behind here, you’ll see, again, we’ve got the original brick here. There is a safe for all your precious things. I don’t know if it works, but it’s there nevertheless. Now, the other thing too is that we have original slate flooring. This is going nowhere.
Original slate on original concrete. The whole house is concrete block. It just feels fabulous. We’ve got an entertaining area out here, on to the most amazing, amazing quiet rainforest environment. You have the best of both worlds. You are five minutes into Kuranda Village, yet you’re sitting here enjoying, relaxing, overlooking your very own natural rainforest. The garden has got a little bit of a creek that goes round through here, goes all the way round here. If you have a look at all the vines on the trees, it’s just absolutely stunning, totally stunning.
We’ve got little bits of garden and little baby garden shed just for– I don’t know what you put in it, but we’ll have a quick look at that. Then we’ll have a look at the laundry. Now, the one thing that I wanted to show you was this deck is actually not attached to the house. It was engineered so that if you wanted to, the deck could be disappeared or the deck could be added on or you could extend onto the house.
This is where the house actually finishes, again, concrete. Downstairs, we’ve actually got a concrete box which would be a concrete bunker, cyclone bunker, storage with a concrete roof. You’re getting the feel that this is just a massive construction. Then we walk up here, and I’m going to meet you at the laundry.
The actual gardens, look at these, absolutely beautiful, little velvet and wax. They are real. The original owner– I’ll talk about the garden in a minute. This is where we came out the back steps. This is the open-air laundry, which you can make into a barbie area. You can keep it as a laundry. It’s fabulous whichever way you look at it. It has the old original copper sink worth probably a squillion dollars if you were to convert the copper now and A, you wouldn’t be able to buy it. An absolutely deep, fabulous, robust sink. I love the orange. Absolutely terrific.
Now, the gardens are stunning. The actual original or one of the original owners was a great collector of rare plants all over the world. In this garden, you will find species that you will never have seen, heard, or you’d really have to look them up because they’re not local. They’re from all over the world. Now, we’re going to have a quick walk down here. I’ll just show you a little bit of the back pathways, and then we’re going to head up to the little studio and the shed. Fabulous. Go down these steps here. Absolutely beautiful.
Again, the curves, we spoke about the curves. This side wall here has got cadence. It’s got curves on it. Now, we can have a quick look in that little bunker shed just over there, quick 10-second peek. This is just a 10-second peek. This could be a wine cellar. You hear the echoing on it. That is a concrete ceiling. There’d be very few properties that you’ll ever have seen. I’ve never seen such a big concrete room, concrete walls, concrete ceiling. we’ve got just iron here on the door for ventilation, but totally safe. As I said, just a fabulous addition to an otherwise magnificent property.
That’s the concrete little bunker just under here. We’ve got pathways everywhere. Now, concrete in the wet tropics is our best friend. That’s that little shed thing that’s probably just for bits of storage. Don’t know what you would use it for, but it’s there anyway. We’re not going to walk along there, but again, I just want to show you, we have concrete drainage everywhere you look. All these little bits. As I said, absolutely fabulous. Now, these steps up here, we’re going to take up to the carport and then I’m going to meet you at the shed.
Little steps everywhere. Of course, a little path that goes around the side that takes you under the balcony. Now, I did very quickly mention at the beginning, this one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. That is about nine meters wide. Unbelievable. You’ve got that for, I don’t know how many cars you’d get in there, but you’d get a lot. Plus you’ve got parking space here. Then we have the biggest shed that you’ll ever have seen. Now, the gardens. Look at these Brugmansia. Beautiful angel trumpet flowers. We’ve got bananas that you probably don’t find in Australia, ornamental.
All these beautiful flowering plants. They’re brilliant. Look at these, look at these. Absolutely amazing. Now, I mentioned again about the rainforest environment. The property’s about 200 meters front to back. If you imagine in your head where we are in relation to the rest of the land, we’re about a third. The back of the house is about one-third. Then we have about two-thirds more distance, if you like, that goes to the very back. Now, look at these. Look, look. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Variegated. Just stunning.
Now, sheds. I’m going to go on about concrete because there’s a squillion dollars’ worth of concrete in this property. It goes all the way up the driveway. You’ve seen that when we came in. We’ve got drainage here, which goes all the way down and through. I’m going to go on about it because we do live in the wet tropics. The water will just all disappear. This has all been engineered for everything to just go. Wait till you see inside the shed. Wait till you see. This is a shed on steroids. Absolutely massive.
It’s approximately 11 by 11, 12 by 12. I did it with my little feet and I was about 11 and a bit. Say 12 by 12. We got great big sliding doors just here. Then that’s the door that actually comes down from the house. We’ve got little steps that come down there. Look at this. You can get the biggest boat, biggest car, biggest trailer, biggest work shed, plus all of the other stuff. Excavators, you name it, you could fit it in the shed. It is just phenomenal. It’s got power and it’s also on that concrete.
A little studio. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful little studio. I mentioned about the architect being a bit obsessed with curves. Where else are you going to find a little studio like that, that is all curved? It’s all tin, it’s all metal. It’s got little VJ on the inside. We’re just going to go and have a bit of a quick look.
Look at those ornamental bananas. Again, where on earth are you going to find them? Pink bananas. Who would have thought? Now, this little studio could be an art studio, could be a little Airbnb, could just be because you want some family and friends to stay because it is just cute as anything. It also has its own little entrance up here, which we’ll have a quick look at. If we come up, we have the most amazing rainforest view. If you just sit here, come here and just sit around this way and look out this way, you could imagine in the morning just having a little cup of tea.
You’d be sitting on your own deck but anyone who comes to visit would enjoy it. It’s just cute. Absolutely cute. Little mezzanine up here. You can pop your head up there, little bed. Look at the coves. This is just all cladding on the inside, which you can take off, you can add to it, you can paint it, you can do whatever you want. The actual structure is all tin and it is fabulous. We’ve got a bathroom in here. Again, with the curve, come in. We’ve got a separate loo. I just love that. We’ve got a shower. We’ve got a little wash basin here, a little vanity. Just pop your head up there, just for two seconds so that you can see what it looks like looking down.
Then we’ve got these brilliant little dangly vines, lady slipper vines. They are just glorious up and over an arch. Now this, again, it’s just fantastic because we have a little gas bottle here just for our gas. These stone pathways, rock walls have all been hand-created. Have a look at this. Have a look. Look, it’s just marvellous. Absolutely marvellous. We’ve got the driveway that comes down. Anyone who’s perhaps not part of the family, who you wanted to actually come in and just do their own thing.
We have got all these pathways all the way up to– sorry, you’re looking at my back a lot today. All the way up onto Weir Road, which is just right there. Somebody could park the car, get out the car, walk down this beautiful, gorgeous pathway. You could have a little table and chairs just sitting here in amongst this fabulous. Oh, look, look, look. Look at this. Just look at this. Have a look up at that tree. That is unbelievably amazing. Yes, you could be sitting here. You could just be relaxing. Got a little fabulous studio there. It just is sensational.
I really hope that you’ve enjoyed this wonderful little tour of number 5, Weir Road in Kuranda. Now, as always, why would you buy this property? Well, it’s stunning. It’s bold. It’s grand. It’s magnificent. It’s architecturally just exploding with all the lovely gorgeousness that only an architect can create. You’ve got exotic woods. You’ve got your cedar. You have got amazing slate floors. We’ve got a mix of modern and original 1980s charm. Character-filled, absolutely character-filled.
Of course, you’ve got a bar, which it’s not everything, but it’s pretty fabulous. We’re on 2 acres. Rainforest, just beautiful. Everywhere you look, at the garden, out here, you are surrounded by nature, and it is silent. It is peaceful. It is quiet. You’re literally only five minutes from Kuranda Village. Then, of course, there’s a shed. Oh, my goodness, is that a shed? Little studio for art or for family or for a little bit of extra income. I just love, I love, I mean love everything about this property. It is just sensational.
Jump into Kuranda Village for a coffee or for your breakfast on a Sunday morning. Why would you? You can sit here and just enjoy. Give me a call, Angela Martin, 0403 788 187. Visit my website, or if you want to see more fabulous lifestyle properties, just like this one, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and you’ll find out about them before everyone else. Be quick on this. It’s unique. It’s fabulous. It is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
Video of 5 Weir Road, Kuranda Qld 4881