Angela Martin: Hi, I’m Angela Martin, and welcome to number 23 Greenhills Road in Kuranda. This is an extraordinary property. It’s the first time ever to market in over 40 years and the owners built it, beautifully maintained it, and have lovingly looked after it since the very beginning. The house has exotic and irreplaceable, and I mean irreplaceable timbers in the house. We have a tennis court, we have a temperature controlled wine cellar. Are you starting to get the picture? Of course, the most amazing, and I mean amazing beautiful gardens all set on about 5.3 acres of prime Kuranda real estate. This was before subdivision hit this part of the world. You have absolute beauty, peace, quiet, privacy, and of course, you’re at the end of a no-through road.
Now, if that’s not enough, we also have a little two-bedroom cottage for family or friends or additional income. Let’s go in and have a look in this beautiful driveway. You are going to seriously fall in love with it, but make sure, please, press that little subscribe button to my YouTube channel so you find out a bit more fabulous lifestyle properties just like this one.
Angela: Isn’t that just the most amazing driveway? It’s hundreds of meters long and is just beautifully filled with palm trees. It is glorious. Now, I did say irreplaceable, I did say one-of-a-kind, and truly just gorgeous. Quick orientation, we’re in a little central court here. We’ve got a massive big studio. I know that you’re waiting to find out about the wine cellar and the tennis court, we’ll get to that. A massive big studio there. Then underneath downstairs, we’ve got an art studio or an office and wine cellar as well. Then on this side, we’ve got– Whoops. On this side, we’ve got two bedrooms, bathroom, toilet, main living area, and of course, the most beautiful deck. We’re going to start with the living area, we’ll work our way back around here, and I’m going to show you those beautiful views out to the tennis court.
You got to look at this. This is like a resort. We have curved wooden surfaces and you’ll see wood everywhere, even though it’s a brick and I’ll show you the brick construction. A little lily pond, just magnificent. This is one of a kind, come in. You will never find anything like this again. Totally, as I said, irreplaceable, totally unique. Now, the timbers, exotic, just irreplaceable. I’ve said that word about five times now. When you come into a property like this, you just can’t replace it. You just can’t.
Now, slate floors. We have got tassie oak up on the lining of the ceiling. We have got cherry penda rafters, and anyone who knows the wood knows that is revered. You can’t get it anymore. It is rock solid. We’ve also got this beautiful fireplace and of course, it works. A total stone fireplace, brick fireplace. These cabinets built in, built in over here, cedar or Kuranda satinash, as sometimes it’s called. That was actually milled from a rosebud farm in Speewah many, many years ago. We’ve got our cabinets over here too, silky oak doors. All the doors on the whole property, and I mean all the doors are silky oak, just beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
We’ve got a kitchen. We feel like we’re in the garden. We’ve got gas cooking. We’ve got beautiful louvres, and I don’t know if you can see out there with the light, but the garden views are just stunning. I love these. Look at this. It just shimmers, absolutely shimmers. Electric oven. Again, we’ve got these lovely rafted high ceilings with the tassie oak and cherry penda. This is just a beautiful room, a really relaxing, comfy, cozy room. You just will not find this anywhere else on the planet. We’re going to have a look at the other rooms, and then we’re going to have a look outside of that beautiful deck.
Angela: These silky oak doors, I did say we’re going to look at the rest of it, but we’re here and we’re on the deck, and it’s just indulgent. Absolutely gorgeous. The decking, too, is fishtail oak. Can you believe that? Not, commoner garden stuff. It’s fishtail oak, only the very best. Of course, we can have a look, too, on the balustrade. It’s all been beautifully routed out.
Now, this is where you live. Sit here. It’s cool. It’s calm. It is just absolutely glorious, and we’ve got garden views everywhere. Speaking of which, I want you just to have a sneak peek at that tennis court, and then we’re going to head down and have a look at the other rooms.
Angela: This is just stunning. The bricks, again, they’re hand-fired bricks from yesteryear, not literally, but it just shows how much time, love, effort, and energy has actually gone into the design and to the actual construction of this house. It is beautiful beyond belief, handcrafted, loved within an inch of its life, and irreplaceable. Irreplaceable. I’m going to keep using that word.
Now, a beautiful courtyard in here, just gorgeous courtyard. We’ve got two bedrooms, as I said, a bathroom and a toilet on this section. Underneath, we’ve got a master with an en suite. This is one of the bedrooms, nice and cozy in the winter because this is the back of the fireplace. You can see that goes all the way up to the ceiling. We have got travertine marble floors. The walls are so thick, this thick, going nowhere. Fly screen, fully fly screened. The other door at the end had fly screen on it. We’ve got louvres.
This is a magic bathroom. Come in here. It’s a bathroom come laundry. Look at this. This is fabulous. Again, it’s slate. We’ve got the high ceilings. You’ve got to look at those high ceilings because it gives it a big sense of we’re almost living in a cathedral. Slate on the walls, great big tub, beautiful doors. There we go. All the way up to the ceiling for storage. Oh, wow, that’s amazing. Marble bench top here. Come have a look. We’ve got a little mirror here. Whilst we’re here, we’ll actually have a quick lookout, but I’ll meet you out there.
Imagine having this for your back door. Now, again, these artful features, these mosaic pathways, you’ll have seen one when you come in just with the carport. These have all been hand-laid. Again, they and I keep using the word again because there’s just so many. I’m not going to be able to show you everything in this property today. There’s just too much to take in. These pathways are laid by somebody’s hands. Again, the bricks are hand-fired. They have been beautifully mosaiced if you like. Then just again for orientation, if we have a wander up through there, we’ve actually got a little shed that we’ve seen at the front, a single garage with a roller door, and a sneak peek down there off the tennis court. Beautiful little herb area. We’re going to head back in and we’re going to carry on a beautiful little journey.
I can’t believe how fabulous all these cupboards are. Top to bottom, top to bottom. We have got our laundry in here, sink, washer, dryer, little bit here for all our little brooms and bits and bobs. Then we’re back out to the main part. Now, I’ll close this door for us. Silky oak door, separate loo, separate toilet in here. This is another bedroom. These bedrooms are unbelievably cool. We’re in the wet tropics. We are 35, 38 degrees and we have beautiful coolness. That’s the thickness of the walls that have all been filled with concrete. Absolutely amazing. Again, we’ve got a travertine marble and slate floor. This one is just all marble. Of course, we come out to our slate.
Fabulous little courtyard. Wait till you see in here. This is what I call– It’s like a concerto room. It is an air-conditioned studio. Silky oak doors. I’m just going to keep reminding you. Look at this room. This is nothing short of spectacular. That door’s going to bang. Look at the wood, cherry penda. That is just glorious. Again, all hand bolted through, irreplaceable for the 19th time. We’re going to get to 100 on this property. The floor is wooden floor, Johnson River hardwood. Where are you going to find that again? Silky oak doors, handmade, handcrafted. As I said at the beginning, just fully air-conditioned. You can just imagine this room either as a music room, as an exercise room. Sitting here just luxuriating. Now, this is a big piano. This is a grand piano. It doesn’t take up even a dent in this room. It is unbelievable. We’re going to head downstairs and check out that you know what.
Angela: It is just like a resort. You’ve got all those different spaces for living areas. Look at this. This is just glorious. Absolutely beautiful. Now, this is a special spot. You’ve got to come in here. Oh, look at this. Beautiful spot for putting any of your little lovely plants. Terracotta floor. Now, this is unbelievably cool. This is an art studio on steroids. It just feels creative. Again, we’ve got robusticus, solid, never to be moved, stone and brick. Cupboards all the way along here, silky oak, silky oak, silky oak, plenty of space. Lots of space. No shortage of cupboards in this house.
Now, this is the drum roll. This is an air-conditioned, humidified, if that’s the right word, wine cellar. Come in. This is sensational. Again, it’s got the same tassie oak ceiling and we have got room here for all our dry storage because we’re in an air-conditioned room. Absolutely marvellous beyond belief. I’m going to meet you out there at the master.
I just love everything about this property and we haven’t even touched the surface of it yet. Look at this. This is inspired again, obviously an artist in the family and that just beautiful rocks, fabulous painting. Master in here. It could be just a separate guest quarters. Remember, they’re just rooms so you can use them for whatever you want, but just a beautiful, light, airy room. All the doors open up. We’ve got silky oak doors again. Just pop your little head in there for the en suite and then we’re going to head out and have a look at [gasps] another exciting thing.
Angela: Isn’t that absolutely fabulous? Now we’re going to have a quick look at the tennis court before we go up to that little granny flat and the gardens. As I said, I’m not going to be able to show you everything on this magnificent property. There’s 5.3 acres and it would take us an hour and a half to go through and touch all the beautiful trees, all the fruit trees, et cetera. Look at this. We’re here. This is amazing. Absolutely amazing. We have a full-blown tennis court. We have a basketball hoop. We have got a place where you can sit and you can cheer all your family and all your friends. I want to go down there and I want to play tennis, but I’m not going to because we now just are going to head up to that gorgeous little cute granny flat. Absolutely fabulous. You’re not going to find another one like it.
Angela: We’ve just come down the steps. I know we’re going somewhere else, but I just wanted to show you, can you believe this is concrete? Work out the dollars, work out the cubic meter, work out the square meterage, work out whatever you want. This whole section here, full-size professional tennis court is concreted. Oh, my goodness. It doesn’t get any better than this. Well, it does. We’ve got more to come.
Angela: We’re on our way up to the little beautiful cute cottage. Again, just for a bit of orientation, that was a little single garage that I pointed to when we were at the back of the laundry. The fruit trees are amazing as you would expect. I don’t know how many different varieties there are, but oranges, navel oranges, Valencia oranges, blood orange, Meyer lemon tree, cinnamon, bananas, a couple of different kinds of bananas, sugar bananas, cavendish bananas, jaboticaba, mangosteen, star fruit, dragon fruit, yellow dragon fruit, purple dragon fruit, and the list goes on. You are just in your little oasis, but you can see a little sneak peek through here. This is where a little granny flat is. We’ll just head in this way. You get more of a look and a feel of how actual private it is.
If you rented it, if you had family staying, they would come along the driveway. They’re not going to be coming too close to the house, so they’re not driving past the house. Again, we’ve got a little baby shed just here that we’ve seen when we came in, just a little lean-to for some garage bits and bobs. This, with all the palm trees, is just glorious. Now, the house at the moment has a tenant in there, so we have to be very quick and we have to be very quiet. It’s the way that the tenant actually has their own personal belonging so we’re just going to do a quick sneak peek in and out so that you at least get a good look at it.
Angela: This is– I don’t know why I’m whispering. There’s no one here, but you feel like you’re in someone’s home. This is just cute as cute can be. It’s a gorgeous little cottage. We’ve got a fabulous little decked area there. A little room in here. It’s all concrete slab. A little sunroom, a little day room, a little sleep room. It’s actually got three rooms. Again, VJ. A little kitchen over here. Before we look at the kitchen, we’ve got air-con, a nice, beautiful, organic again, hardwood construction, and cement sheathing. Two rooms through in here. Look, this is like a Queenslander, the way you build Queenslanders.
Angela, why are you whispering? Come on in. We’ve got plenty of louvre doors for natural light and another room in here. It’s like the old little woodworker’s cottages that you used to find on farms. It’s just– I’m going to sneak over this way for you. It just has that just really beautiful homely feel. You could use those three rooms for whatever you want. We’ve got another little balcony at the back. The kitchen area, we’ve got a little sink and cooker.
Shady, just you’re not in the sun. You can see up here, the construction, some colour bond or gal roofing. Hardwood on the– Whoops, hardwood on the trusses. Lady’s got a dog, so just be careful. That’s a little dog bone. A really big laundry bathroom. We’ve got a loo just here. We’ve got a bath and a shower just in here and a little vanity just there. Laundry space, again, all on concrete. Plenty of private space. A little bit of dog fencing at the back, just in case you’ve got a little baby dog. We’re going to head back to the main house, have a quick look at the garden, and then a little bit of a wrap-up.
Angela: This is just splendorific. Wasn’t that just the cutest little cottage? Remarkably cute. Remarkably gorgeous. Before we do a quick wrap-up, I just wanted to show you, we’ve also got another little bit of a veggie area in here. Fabulous. Fabulous. Fabulous. Feeds the soul, makes you feel good. You can put, your herbs, you can put anything you want in here because it’s all fully fenced. We’ve got a little concrete path. We’ve got a little– Oh, look. Now how good is that? We have got a real pineapple and it’s protected from the animals because I can guarantee if this was not fenced, all your little favourite furry friends would just have gobbled into that for breakfast. Just magic. Vines, creepers, herbs, spices, ginger, turmeric. Just glorious. Absolutely feeds the soul. The gardens are unbelievably spectacular.
Angela: I really hope you’ve enjoyed this lovely little mini-tour. It is a mini tour, believe it or not, because there’s just so much I haven’t been able to show you because of the time. Number 23, Greenhills Road in Kuranda. I mentioned at the beginning, totally irreplaceable, totally unique, totally stunning. Absolutely bespoke building, bespoke gardens. We have got all those timbers that you just cannot source anymore. Cherry penda, tassie oak in the ceilings. All the doors are silky oak. I know that you find that hard to believe, but even when we went under there, all the doors and the cupboards, they’re all silky oak. Irreplaceable. I think I’ve maybe used up my 19 points for that irreplaceable word.
The 5.3 acres, unheard of. As I said at the beginning again, prime Kuranda real estate. Air-conditioned cellar. The wine does not come with the property, just so that you know. Tennis court, basketball hoop, fruit trees, location, end of a no-through road. Absolutely, it just– I get gobsmacked because there are just such special, special properties in this area. This is way at the top of special properties in this whole region. It is just beautiful.
Give me a call, Angela Martin, 0403-788-187. Visit the website, angelamartin.tv. Breathe this in. Look at those lipstick palms, sensational. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can find a bit more fabulous, and I mean fabulous lifestyle properties, just like this one. I look forward to sharing this beautiful resort like Oasis with you.
[00:26:04] [END OF AUDIO]
Video of 23 Greenhills Road, Kuranda Qld 4881