Angela Martin: Hi, I’m Angela Martin, and welcome to the number 3 Coolsprings Close in sunny, beautiful Kuranda in Far North Queensland. This is quite simply a beautifully gorgeous resort-style property. It’s got a cosmopolitan feel, it’s private, it’s peaceful, it is indulgent, as we’ll see in just a little minute, and you are seriously going to fall in love with it. The location is just brilliant. We’re at the very end of a no-through close, so hence quiet, no-through traffic. It is on a whopping 6,600 square metres of resort-style living. Just amazing, absolutely amazing.
Let’s go in and have a look, but before we do, please remember, subscribe to my YouTube channel so that you can find out about more fabulous lifestyle properties just like this one, but before everyone else, let’s go in and have a look. You are seriously going to fall in love with it.
Angela: Don’t you just love the red door? Everyone knows it’s my favourite colour, and it is just, it’s almost sensual. Now, we just had a very sneak peek at that beautiful swimming pool. We will go out and, clearly, we will spend a fair bit of time out there because that is, as I said at the beginning, this is a resort-style property and that’s a resort-style pool.
Kitchen, let’s start with the kitchen. This is beautiful. It’s high-end, and by that, I mean we have stone, luxury stone benchtops. We’ve got a Miele dishwasher, brilliant views out to that pool, and we have got the most amazing number of cupboards in the whole kitchen area ever. We’ve got drawers, soft-close drawers. We’ve got plenty of space under here. Beautiful great big gas cooker. Again, we’ve got cupboards galore. Now, this schmicko yummy double fridge actually stays with the property if you would like it to. That’s another fabulous bonus.
Look at this. We have got cupboards, wall-to-ceiling, floor-to-ceiling I should say. Have a little look in here. It’s a little beautiful pantry. The chef in the family, or even the non-chef in the family, we just have that sense of we can just cook anything that we want. We’ve got an electric Bosch oven here. Again, that’s another great– It’s at eye level or it’s at hand level. You can take your stuff out and you can plop it up there or you can take it there and put it on your stone benchtops.
Whilst we’re here, we’ll just keep going. We’ve got another plenty, there we go, plenty of space in there as well. Fabulous storage, fabulous storage. Another big broom cupboard in here. Then we’ve got the laundry. Now we normally don’t start with the laundry, but we are at this side of the house. It is big, all beautifully tiled, and plenty of natural light. I did mention too at the beginning with the natural light, we’ve also got, talking about natural light and airflow, all the crim-safe doors, fully screened. Of course, fully, can you believe this? Fully air-conditioned.
The house is fully air-conditioned. Split level, absolutely. This is just magic. We’ve got that cosmopolitan feel because we’re in our own little world. It’s peaceful, it’s private, and you really are in your own little oasis. If we head down here– First of all, little orientation, we’ve got again, split level. House is on this level and then it goes down and there’s a couple of bedrooms too on the ground level. It makes it feel like a resort, absolutely like a resort. Along there, we’ve got a bedroom, two bathrooms, but let’s start in this living room.
Let’s go down. It’s absolutely beautiful. High ceilings. I love the VJs on the ceiling because, again, it gives it plenty of character. We’ve got these magical glass bricks. Now they’re lit in plenty of light. People normally use them for privacy. We don’t have to worry about privacy here. You cannot see your neighbour, your neighbour cannot see you. They just add a nice little, like an art feature. Plenty of space here.
Again, look at that room. We can’t see the red door. I wish we could because I just love it. It’s red on the front and it’s also red on the back. This just feels magic. Black, beautiful big hunks of proper timber, wood, and again, on a tile floor. Now, while we go out the back, while we go to the bedrooms, let’s have a quick look out in that balcony. You’re going to be absolutely blown away.
Angela: I did say it was wow. Now, this deck is a whopping– I’m not going to measure it, but it’s probably about 18 metres by 5 metres. That is one monster deck. Totally undercover. We’ve even got, sort of broad eaves, if you like, that actually just go past the actual construction so that you could be here, wet, cold, wind, snow. We don’t get snow in Far North Queensland. Sometimes on a 35-degree day, we wish that we did, but we don’t. You can be out here literally all year round. Big enough for one, two, three, four, six, or an eight seater, just beautiful. The other thing I want to show you too, is that we have rendered brick walls or block walls.
Now, this pool fence is, was actually put in because the previous owners had dogs. It serves two purposes and you can, we can either sit here and we can be in our spa. We don’t actually need the pool fence unless you want it there. This is a little self-contained area. If you had children or if you, like I said, you had little animals, you could be out here quite comfortably, quite beautiful. Fix a little bits here, fluffy towels, just love the fluffy towels. You could just be relaxing in that spa overlooking that. That is yours, absolutely beautiful.
The land is about 6,600 square metres. That’s an acre and a half, plenty of space. We’ll go down and have a little look at the cubby house when we go back out into the garden and swimming pool. It’s fenced and we’ve got down the bottom, a little seasonal creek. You could walk down there when it’s flowing and you can just tip your little feet in there. Absolutely beautiful. Of course, we’ve got fruit trees, we’ve got natives, and we have the most amazing open sunny, happy gardens.
We are going to just go back through the living room and we’re going to head through and look at the other bedrooms. Sneak peek is that this bedroom here and that bedroom there actually open out onto this deck. We’re going to head back around that way and I’m going to meet you back there.
Angela: I mentioned about the place being fully air-conditioned or the house being fully air-conditioned. Now, you can run your aircons pretty much all year round if you want to because we have solar power. We also mains power of course, but we have a whopping 8.6 kilowatt solar system. Your power bills are going to be so small. Oh, just look at this. This is just– I love the split level. It makes it feel, I don’t know, just special. It’s different. It’s not all on the one level.
We’ve got three bedrooms, four bedrooms. Bedroom number one, just gorgeous, cute little bedroom. We’ve got a walk-in robe, not a walk-in robe, Angela. We’ve got slidy robes, mirror, plenty of space, both mirrored on there. We’ve got fans, we’ve got pretty little– It’s just beautiful. Then behind us, we’ve actually got a main bathroom and the toilet, a toilet. Then we’ve got the most beautiful bathroom. Fabulous vanity. Again, we’ve got stone bench, beautiful stone bench, and a really big shower. One big glass panel here just for the old splish splash. A Methven big column rain forest showers. Absolutely beautiful. Again, all fully tiled. Lovely big stainless steel drain in there.
When you come in and you have a look, you’ll see it for yourself. Don’t forget all these lovely fluffy towels. Again, gorgeous little fixtures and fittings. Same as the kitchen. This is just glorious. Absolutely glorious. Splish splash in the morning. Fix your lippy. Not that you do it here because you’ve got your own very special ensuite. Absolutely brilliant. Space in here. We’ve got cupboards in here. It goes all the way up and down. Another beautiful room with air conditioning.
This views out to the front of the property that we seen when we came in. Again, we’ve got the sliding glass mirror robes. Let’s have a little look in there. They’ve actually got some fittings in them as well. You can have a look. Plenty of space to hang up all your bits. Now the master and the, I call them master and queen, but they’re actually just beautiful rooms down these stairs. The stairs are the same when we go into the living area. That’s what I said at the beginning. It’s sort of flat at this level and then it goes down the stairs and then we’ve got the bottom level. Makes it feel special. Absolutely special.
We are going to come into here. This is a beautiful, and I mean beautiful, beautiful room. I want you to stand there. I want you to feel the size and the space because we have– They’re not called raked ceilings, but they’re sloped ceilings. Again, we’ve got the VJ that just gives a sort of like a Queenslander-ee feel, when all the bits sort of joined together, rather than it just being, gyprock and flat and just like everyone else’s. This is just, this character feels very beautiful.
We have got plenty of space in here for a king bed. Now, these are big tiles and we’ve got all that space at the side of the bed. Often in rooms, if somebody has a king bed, there’s not a lot of space to jump in and out. Here we do have plenty. We’ve got a walk-in robe as well. Got a light. Again, we’ve got the same beautiful VJ ceilings. Lots and lots and lots of hanging space for all your little yummies. This is a bit of a gorgeous ensuite.
Now, for those people who know about Chillagoe gold marble, I’ve spoken about that before in some of my other clients’ properties. It is very special. They only mined so much granite, so much marble. There’s a few special houses in Kuranda who actually have it. This is one of them. It’s grey Chile gold marble. It’s proper marble with the little bits here that you can put your special morning things on. Again, isn’t, beautiful. It’s just lovely. Plenty of space in there for your shower. You could almost take your shower screen off and just have this as a wet room. Air-conditioned. Don’t forget the air-conditioning.
Then we’ve got bedroom number four. Actually, before we do that, I just need to show you one more thing. Angela. We’re lying in bed. If we come here and we’re looking here, we’re looking out to our very own rainforest. As in, I’m lying in bed, we’re looking at our own spa. There’s nobody looking in. It is 100% beautifully, totally private. You could just go out there for your morning cup of tea or whatever you want to do. We now, [chuckles] we will now get into this other gorgeous little bedroom. Same feel. We have the ceilings that are nice and sloping, raked ceilings with the VJs. Air-conditioned. It goes out again to the balcony.
That’s the two bedrooms that we spoke about. We’re going to head back out there. Just have another bit of a quick sticky at that balcony, 18 by 5-metre balcony. Then we’re going to have a look at the swimming pool.
Angela: Before we go to this beautiful, gorgeous, yummy swimming pool. Oh my goodness. I’m actually going to show you when I pointed when we came in at the beginning. I’m just going to show you the two little worksheds. Then I promise, we are going to the swimming pool. Again, we’ve got, remember, rendered brick. Our best friend in the wet tropics. Of course, concrete. Now, we’ve got essentially space for three cars. We’ve got a double carport here. Then we’ve got our carport that we seen when we came in. We’ve also got two little fabulous worksheds either side of the carport, which just give you that extra luxury for either storage or just to have this little baby workshed.
This one over here, you can actually see the size of it. This is the width, as it were. The room was all the way through. Oops. Just pop ahead in here. Oh, it’s a bit dark. I have to put light on. If I can find the light. Just pop your head in there. You can see that it’s just a block. it’s just a block shed. We’ve got exactly the same on the other side. We’ve got hot water, our electric hot water here.
Another big room. It’s probably gone dark to bright, dark to bright. Apologies for that. Storage space, could be a little studio. Could be, as I said, just something that you actually want to use for little woodworking or whatever you fancy. This is a magic big area here. We can see again that it is tropical. It’s beautiful. It’s private. Now, I promise we are going to head to that swimming pool.
Angela: Isn’t this just the most amazing? Now, I shouldn’t actually say this, but this would make a fabulous party house. An absolute brilliant, entertaining house with a pool, with a deck at the back. Again, look, it’s private. We have no neighbours looking in. That’s the driveway. Nobody’s looking in your driveway. Nobody’s looking in over there. Nobody is looking in over there.
Now, this, again, is a bit special when it comes to swimming pools because it is tiled. A lot of pools just have the, like the pebblecrete on it. These are individual gorgeous little tiles that make it feel, again, just like a resort. Now, that is beyond fabulous. You just want to jump in there. It’s got a little spa so you can just put your feet either on your terracotta tiles or the little sitting area. Oh, it’s nice. Oh, this is nice. We’ll walk up this way and then we’ll come back around there.
It’s got, I don’t know if you can see this in this light, but again, it doesn’t have square sides, it’s actually got little dips so that you can probably slide down just to give it that extra luxury feel. We’ve got our little wall all the way around. This is just magic. I don’t know if you can see that, it just slops down beautifully, just super gently. Whilst we’re here, that was the back door that we came in, or we didn’t come in, that was the end of the kitchen and the laundry. That’s all the pool pump area here. That’s where we’re going to hang up our washing with our Hills Hoist.
Imagine sitting here on the beautiful, sparkliest of days, reading a book, having a glass of wine, having your morning coffee, and just marvelling at that. It is unbelievably relaxing and unbelievably beautiful. We’ve got this spot over here where if you want to not be in the sun, and it’s probably good not to be in the sun, especially in Far North Queensland in the summer. We’ve got this area here where we can just sit out in the sun on your little loungers.
This is a little spa area that I was telling you about. This actually goes quite deep. Now, that’s my elbow. I’m not even at where your bottom, for want of a better word, your little bum would be sitting there. There’s plenty of space to get down and actually have most of your body in there. That’s just brilliant. Again, you can easily get in and out there. Sitting here with your feet up under the shade, little fairy lights, looking at your palm trees, life does not get any better than that.
Angela: Just did a quick measure and it is roughly 10 and it is roughly 5 metres. That’s a lot of kids jumping in and out or adults in that swimming pool.
Angela: We’ve got brick and steel frame. Again, best friend in the tropics. Look at this. This is beautiful. This is lifestyle. You could sit on these. You could just watch the kids play. We’ve actually got a little– Now, we’ve had a lot of rain. Everyone knows in Far North Queensland, we’ve had a big wet season. Grass is a little bit damp, a little bit wet, but this is open, happy, and sunny. I mentioned 6,600 square metres, a whole acre and a half. Really, this is the only bit of maintenance that you have. This little bit of grass. It’s a big bit of grass, but it’s not hours and hours and hours on the ride-on lawnmower because we have got lots of natural natives, fruit trees, and this brilliant little cubby house.
Perfect for the kids. We’ve got a swing. We’ve got a little bit there where they can actually just go up and they can just play till their heart’s content. If we head back down there, as I said, there’s a little seasonal creek right down at the very bottom of the property. Let’s look up here. This is just, it’s absolutely glorious. We’ve got that lifestyle balcony. That is where you live and you’ll split your time, guaranteed 50%-50% between there and the swimming pool. Just absolutely sensational.
Angela: I really hope that you have enjoyed this. Oh, relaxing, just resort-style tour. It is like I said, at the beginning, I’ve said it 300 times since, the property has got so many elements of living in a resort. we’ve got this beautiful great big bedrooms with the raked ceilings. We have got this monster size deck that, we’re looking out, we’re looking out to our very own rain forest, about 18 metres long is just groovy. Absolutely brilliant.
Of course, a luxury spa that actually has spa jets. It’s not just a bubbly bath. It’s actually got all the bits for massaging your body and just making you feel absolutely wonderful. We’ve got these little bits here, where, as I said, if you’ve got children, animals, dogs and you just want to keep them on the deck, perfect addition, absolutely perfect. This is priceless.
Why would you buy this property? Probably 10 million different reasons. Location is second to none. We are at the end of a no-through road, so it’s quiet and peaceful and you can hear just literally birds and butterflies. We have got about an acre and a half, 6,600 metres square of just beautifulness. We’ve got a lifestyle deck, and oh my goodness, have we got that swimming pool, did a quick pace out of it and it’s roughly 10 metres by 5 metres. You can get a lot of people in that pool if you want to.
Views, from your bedroom out into the rain forest and a whopping 8.6 kilowatt of solar power with all your air conditioning. You can see, as we’ve walked around the house, you can probably see the air conditioning units everywhere, which means you have total, absolutely total luxury. This is magic, absolutely magic.
Give me a call, Angela Martin 0403-788-187. Visit the website angelamartin.tv and remember, please don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can find out a bit more fabulous, and I mean just fabulous lifestyle properties, just like this one, including the fluffy towels. [chuckles] Before everyone else, I look forward to showing you your brand-new, beautiful resort home.
[00:27:20] [END OF AUDIO]
Video of 3 Coolsprings Close, Kuranda, Qld 4881